I keep hearing people talk about resolutions, making them and breaking them. How to make them and not break them. The best resolutions to make and so on. I never been a resolution maker but thought this year I might try it but with a twist. I decided that I would trick my brain and call resolutions by a new name. It would be a list of "Want Tos". Does that make sense? Anyway, I am always thinking about things I want to do, so I'm making a list, printing it out and posting it in the kitchen, where I will see it all the time. Then as I complete a task I will put a star by it. That sounds so much better than making resolutions in mind then forgetting about them for weeks only to finally remember and then beat myself up over it. Whooo!
Maybe I should even post them here, for all to see and then keep you updated on my progress. It might even be a means to keep me motivated and on task!
Ok, so here goes...
~ 2011 Want To ~
1. read my Bible EVERY day
2. read more interesting books to my girls
3. blog daily
4. call my parents more often
5. paint the office
6. paint the kitchen
7. finish painting the cabinets
8. paint Caroline's room
9. finish all the decorating projects that I have started
10. start school
I'm sure the list could go on and on but I guess I'll just start with a top ten list.
Happy New Year!