Friday, October 29, 2010

Busy, Boring, Beautiful

I have totally enjoyed today. Helped a friend fix a costume for her daughter and got some great conversation time. Then headed off to Portsmouth Naval Hospital with Greg and the little girls for his pain management appointment. Caroline and Allison really surprised me with their amazing behavior. I know that they are sweet girls and can be darling but in situations where we are just sitting and waiting, well they tend to lean to the demonic end of the spectrum. Thankfully today was a blessing. They sat happily, checking out a couple of toys in the waiting room and talking to each other. Only after 2 and a half hours did they start to have mild complaints. I really couldn't blame them, we were all starving, we had left the house without snacks and missed lunch. Bad mommy! So they got a big treat of McDonald's for what we,thanks to Caroline, affecionately named "dinch", dinner and lunch morphed together.
The rest of the day went smoothly. The big girls got home. We all ate. We worked on some homework. We all vegged out and everybody just enjoyed a quiet, uneventful evening. Sometimes I just love do-nothing nights. They don't happen often but when they do, I savor every moment. I think most people today just don't know how to appreciate the beauty of boring.

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